Award on Conference Photonics West

February 7, 2019

SCoPE PhD student Andrea Toulouse was honored on the conference Photonics West

Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality Conference 2019 (Teilkonferenz)

  • 2019 Optical Design Challenge, 3. Platz, dotiert mit $1500
  • Titel: “Virtual reality headset using a gaze-synchronized display system”
  • Autoren: Andrea Toulouse, Simon Thiele, and Alois Herkommer

OPTO (Teilkonferenz)

  • Advanced Fabrication Technologies Best Student Paper Award, dotiert mit $250
  • Titel: “Super-fine inkjet process for alignment-free integration of non-transparent structures into 3D-printed micro-optics”
  • Autoren: Andrea Toulouse, Simon Thiele, Harald Giessen, and Alois Herkommer

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